eBook: $45

“Bizarro” arrives to the world, the first book in Spanish of Introduction to Bizarre Magick and translated for the first time for english speakers.
Aimed at all magicians who want to deliver real magic experiences through illusionism or who want to bathe their performance in halos of real mystery.
Unlike many "magic" books, "Bizarro" contains a high symbolic load, like the books of those who know, which is manifested through the composition of its chapters and the illustrations contained in them, turning reading into a magical experience in itself.
In this book you will learn
Why Bizarre Magick?
What is and is not Bizarre Magic
Differences with conventional magic
To be credible
Structure acts that evoke primals aspects of human consciousness
Create real magical atmosphere
Evoke reactions beyond easy laughter and wonder.
Types of themes
"Bizarro" includes three essays on
What is Magic,
The Great Mystery of Magic,
as well as 13 effects, such as "Clairvoyant", a magnification of the classic Test of the Living and the Dead, "Perfect Death", where three participants listen to a spirit that tells information about his death, "Ars Goetia Exorcismus" the exorcism of an ancient papyrus and much more.
With the study and application of the contents of this book, you will be able to differentiate yourself from the rest of the magicians, beginning a new path in the arts of mystery and becoming a little more Bizarro.